Today marks the beginning of the Cyber Showdown Event in Halo Infinite's multiplayer. This event offers a number of free rewards and a brand new game mode called Attrition, and it runs for two weeks.
All players who log in to Halo Infinite Multiplayer between January 18, 2022 and January 31, 2022 will receive the New Heights Backdrop, pictured above.
In addition to the above reward, this event offers a 10-tier Event Pass, which players can progress by completing Event Challenges during the event.
The contents of the Event Pass can be viewed on the Cyber Showdown Event Pass page. All contents of the pass are free and include such offerings as Stances, Armor Effects, Coatings, Backdrops, Visors, Charms, and AI Colors.
To earn items in the Event Pass, players must complete Event Challenges. Event Challenges are special Weekly Challenges that are themed around the event's playlist: Cyber Showdown - Attrition. These Event Challenges are marked with an orange banner, as shown below.
Here, the second and fourth Weekly Challenges are Event Challenges.
Each Event Challenge completed will grant one Tier in the Event Pass. There are 10 total Event Challenges available each week (out of 20 Weekly Challenges), so players can complete the entire Event Pass in one sitting at any time during the event.
Finally, there are new event-themed Weekly Shop Bundles available this week, now with reduced prices. Note that Daily Bundles have not yet been reduced in price, but this is also planned for the future.
The standard for Weekly prices and their newly reduced counterparts are provided below:
2000 cR -> 1200 cR
1500 cR -> 1000 cR
1000 cR -> 500 cR
The individual Shop Bundles and their contents can be viewed on the Shop Listings page.